AVS12 Travel Grants

Travel grants are available for delegates requiring financial support with conference registration fees and/or travel-associated costs. Only applicants who are the presenting authors (either oral or poster presenters) may apply for a travel grant.

1. Scientists From Underrepresented States/Regions Travel Grant

These travel grants (up to $1000 each; 4 available) will provide financial support for students and early/mid career researchers based in areas outside of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, or Adelaide to attend and present their work at AVS12. 

The grant is open to:

  • Students and early/mid career researchers (up to 10 years post PhD, excluding career disruptions), and research assistants (up to 10 years post highest degree awarded, excluding career disruptions) based in Australasia, excluding the greater cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide. 

2. Indigenous Delegate Travel Grant

This travel grant provides a conference registration and travel bursary capped at $2000 to an Indigenous delegate (1 available).

The grant is open to:

  • Any conference delegate who identifies as Indigenous to the Australasian region.

3. ACHV Travel Grant

This travel grant contributes $500 towards conference expenses for an attendee whose research focus is viral hepatitis (2 available).

The grant is open to:

  • Students and early/mid career researchers (up to 10 years post PhD, excluding career disruptions), and research assistants (up to 10 years post highest degree awarded, excluding career disruptions) whose research focus is viral hepatitis.

AVS12 Awards

The following awards may be applied for upon abstract submission along with the indicated supporting evidence. Applications will be reviewed by the  AVS Executive Committee (Rising Star award) or the AVS12 Awards Committee (all others).  Awards are now open - click here to submit your abstract and apply for your award., close August 16th, 5pm.
Please note, you must be an AVS member in order to apply for an award.

1. AVS Rising Star award

The AVS Rising Star award of $4000 will be awarded to one outstanding early-career researcher (up to 5 years post-PhD at the time of August 9th, excluding career disruptions). It is expected that the awardee will use the funds to travel to, and present their research at the next American Society for Virology meeting.

The awardee will be selected based on

  • Contributions to the field and evidence of emerging leadership (30%)

  • Track record/CV (40%)

  • Exceptional oral presentation at AVS12 (30%)

In addition to their abstract, applicants should provide:

  • A statement outlining contributions to the field, leadership or emerging leadership roles (maximum 200 words).

  • A current CV (2 page maximum, at least 11 point font) including conference presentations, funding/grants received, and publications (please indicate your role in these).

  • A statement outlining any career disruptions  (if relevant).

  • Evidence of when and where PhD was awarded (e.g. academic transcript or letter from university).

  • A letter of support from their mentor/supervisor outlining that they agree to cover any additional costs to attend the next American Society of Virology meeting.

Both invited and abstract selected ECRs are eligible to apply for the Rising Star Award.

2. Industry Engagement Award

Available to any AVS attendee who has submitted an abstract which involves clear industry engagement e.g. industry partner is a co-author. Awarded to the top ranked eligible abstract. Please apply upon abstract submission and indicate eligibility. One award available valued at $500.

3. Additional AVS12 Awards

AVS12 will recognise outstanding student and early/mid-career researcher presentations (oral and poster). Please indicate if you would like to be considered for these awards when you submit your abstract (multiple available).

Watch this space for further opportunities to be announced!